The resources below are to assist with finding additional information about ESGR policies, procedures, and tools to assist volunteers.
ESGR E-Learning - Online courses for volunteers.
DPFSC Online Store - Online store for DPFSC awareness items and training support materials.
Board of Directors and Subcommittee Management 1250.05
Bosslift 1250.22
Financial Operations 7000.1
Ombudsman 1250.32
Outreach 1250.31
Public Afairs Policy and Procedure 1250
Secretary of Defense Freedom Award 1250.30
Statement of Support 1250.21
Training 1250.12
Volunteer Management 1250.10
The Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Integration provides operational oversight of ESGR and the other programs housed in the Defense Support Services Center. Reserve Integration ensures seamless integration of Reserve Component policy across the Department of Defense and provides strategic engagement on all Reserve Component matters, including liaison with the Reserve Forces Policy Board, the Reserve Component Chiefs, and the Council of Governors.
The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) is a Defense-wide effort to promote the well-being of National Guard and Reserve members, their families, and communities by connecting them with resources throughout and beyond the deployment cycle. Through YRRP events, Service members and loved ones connect with local resources before, during, and after deployments. Reintegration during post-deployment is a critical time for members of the National Guard and Reserve, as they often live far from military installations and other members of their units. Commanders and leaders play a critical role in assuring that Reserve Component Service members and their families attend YRRP events where they can access information on health care, education and training opportunities, financial planning, and legal benefits.
ESGR Volunteer Training Videos
The Statement of Support program is the cornerstone of ESGR's effort to gain and maintain employer support for the Guard and Reserve. The intent of the program is to increase employer support by encouraging employers to act as advocates for employee participation in the military. Below is a short video showing the process for conducting a Statement of Support signing event.
An employee serving in the National Guard or Reserve, or the spouse of a Guard or Reserve member, may nominate individual supervisors and bosses for the Patriot Award for support provided directly to the nominating Service member and his or her family. The Patriot Award reflects the efforts made to support citizen warriors through a wide-range of measures including flexible schedules, time off prior to and after deployment, caring for families, and granting leaves of absence if needed. Below is a video showing the proper way to conduct a Patriot Award presentation.