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ESGR in the News

Entries for 'William.Burkhard'

ImageFIRST Regional Vice President honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

COLUMBIA, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that ImageFIRST recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, ESGR, , PAESGR, #volunteerESGR, #WeAllServe , ImageFIRST PA, #USACE, USACENAD
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Lock Haven Police Chief honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

LOCK HAVEN, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Lock Haven Police Department’s Chief of Police recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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Statement of Support, PAESGR, #WeAllServe , #Patriot Award, #ESGR, Lock Haven Police
Posted in: California
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Lycoming County SPCA supervisor honored by Department of Defense for patriotic support

WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that Lycoming County SPCA supervisor recently received a Patriot Award in recognition of extraordinary support of employees serving in the Guard and Reserve.

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ESGR, PAESGR, #WeAllServe , #Patriot Award, #Statement of Support, SPCA, Lycoming County SPCA
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Department of Defense announces Fulton Bank to Receive the 2024 Freedom Award
HORSHAM, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), a Department of Defense office, announced that Fulton Bank is a re...

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Freedom Award, , PAESGR, #volunteerESGR, #WeAllServe , #ESGR, Fulton Bank
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Pennsylvania Air National Guard and ESGR Hosted 2024 Bosslift for supportive employers

HORSHAM, PA. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced it recently held a highly successful Bosslift event at Biddle Air National Guard Base.

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Bosslift, ESGR, , PAESGR
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Pennsylvania ESGR honors former Volunteer Support Technician

WARMINSTER, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that former Volunteer Support Technician (VST) Theresa Arentzen was honored by Pennsylvania ESGR.

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ESGR, PAESGR, #volunteerESGR, VST, #WeAll Serve
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Pennsylvania ESGR volunteer receives Lifetime Achievement Award

JOHNSTOWN, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced that a Lifetime Achievement Award and Seven Seals Award were presented to Mountain Area Chair Gregory Simmons by State Chair Marty Kuhar.

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ESGR, , PAESGR, ESGR Lifetime Achievement Award, Gregory Simmons
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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Pennsylvania National Guard and ESGR host 2024 Bosslift for supportive employers

ANNVILLE, Pa. – Pennsylvania Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR), an office of the Department of Defense, announced it recently held a highly successful two-day Bosslift event at Fort Indiantown Gap. This year’s event hosted 17 employers from across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

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ESGR, , PAESGR, PA National Guard, #Bosslift, #Statement of Support, PATAG
Posted in: Pennsylvania
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