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ESGR in the News

Entries for 'Robert.Adams'

Lake Region Healthcare supervisor honored with Department of Defense Patriot Award

FERGUS FALLS, Minn. – Army National Guard 1st Lt. Aaron Christensen, presented the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriot Award to his employment supervisor, Patty Roth. The award was given on Sept. 10 at the Lake Region Healthcare in recognition of Roth’s support of her employee's service to the Minnesota National Guard. Christensen was very appreciative of Roth’s support and assistance with his Army National Guard deployments and wanted to honor her.

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, , Lake Region Healthcare MN
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Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota honored with the Department of Defense Freedom Award

ARLINGTON, Va. – Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota was awarded the prestigious Secretary of Defense Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Freedom Award at a ceremony held in the Pentagon recently.

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ESGR, MNESGR, #volunteerESGR, #WeAllServe , #ESGR, #Freedom Award, Blue Cross Blue Shield of MN
Posted in: Minnesota
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The League of Minnesota Cities honored with Department of Defense Freedom Award

ARLINGTON, Va. – The League of Minnesota Cities received the prestigious Secretary of Defense Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Freedom Award at a ceremony held in the Pentagon recently.

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ESGR, , MNESGR, #ESGR, #Freedom Award, League of MN Cities
Posted in: Minnesota
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Interim Healthcare Staffing president honored with Department of Defense Patriot Award

MINNEAPOLIS – National Guard Sgt. Cierra McClain presented the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriot Award to her supervisor Shari LaFavre, the president of Interim Healthcare Staffing recently.

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ESGR, MNESGR, #Patriot Award, #ESGR, #Statement of Support, Interim Healthcare Staffing MN
Posted in: Minnesota
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ESGR Bosslift is a great experience for employers of National Guard Soldiers

CAMP RIPLEY, Minn. – The Minnesota National Guard 2/136 Combined Arms Battalion (CAB) conducted an Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Bosslift for nearly twenty employers of National Guard soldiers Aug. 24.

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Statement of Support, ESGR, MNESGR, #ESGR, #Bosslift, Camp Ripley Public Affairs
Posted in: Minnesota
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Excel Energy supervisor honored with Department of Defense Patriot Award

MINNEAPOLIS – Minnesota Army National Guard Warrant Officer Nathan Jacobs presented the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriot Award to his supervisor, Colin Barr of Excel Energy Company. The award was given recently at the company’s offices in downtown Minneapolis.

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, ESGR, , MNESGR, Excel Energy Company
Posted in: Minnesota
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DCI supervisor is honored with Department of Defense Patriot Award

ST. CLOUD, Minn. – Sgt. Clayton Butger presented the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriot Award to his employment supervisor, Victor Prososki. The award was presented recently at DCI Inc. in recognition of Victors and the entire DCI management teams support for their employee’s service to the Minnesota National Guard.

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Patriot Award, Statement of Support, ESGR, , MNESGR
Posted in: Minnesota
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Robert Adams is presented the National ESGR Volunteer of the Year Award for Public Affairs

LITTLE FALLS, Minn. – Minnesota Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Committee Chair Chad Sackett presented the national ESGR Volunteer of the Year Award for Public Affairs to Minnesota Committee member Robert Adams. The award was presented to Robert recently during the Minnesota ESGR leadership meeting at the Camp Ripley Training Center for his sustained outstanding performance in 2023.

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ESGR, , MNESGR, VOTY, Public Affairs
Posted in: Minnesota
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