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ESGR in the News


NEGAUNEE, Mich - On Veterans Day, Dan Skewis was presented with the ESGR Patriot Award. Dan is the Supervisor of First Lieutenant Phillip Halamka of the Army National Guard. Both work at Negaunee Public Schools in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

1st Lt. Halamka stated, "As a school teacher, time away from my class and school is very challenging. Mr. Skewis and the rest of Negaunee Public Schools administration team ensure I feel valued and do not feel like a nuisance when I have to fulfill my military obligations. The district understands the unique challenges that accompany dual careers and use it as an opportunity to educate students."

Thank you Mr. Skewis and the Negaunee Public Schools for your support of our service members. Presenting the award is ESGR U.P. Area Chair Pam Basal.

Posted in: Michigan
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