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ESGR is a volunteer-centric Department of Defense program within the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. Led by National Chair Mr. John Sampa and Acting Executive Director Mr. Robert Lyon.  ESGR operates through a network of more than 2,300 volunteers in 54 committees located across all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam-CNMI (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands), Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

 Subcommittees - ESGR’s four volunteer subcommittees provide feedback and coordination for ESGR activities. They include:  

ESGR Board of Directors

Outreach Subcommittee

Volunteer Support Subcommittee

Ombudsman Subcommittee

Headquarters ESGR – Headquarters for ESGR is located in Alexandria, Virginia, and is comprised of three mission areas:  

Employer Outreach - Promote a culture where all employers support and value military service through education, recognition, and mediation. 

Ombudsmen - Provide information and informal, neutral mediation for issues or conflicts between employers and Service members.

Military Outreach Make Service members aware of their rights and responsibilities under the law and the value of employer support and recognition.