Texas Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (TXESGR) is a Department of Defense office, led and operated by dedicated volunteers and staff whose mission is to gain and sustain the active support of America's employers for the men and women serving in the Guard and Reserve by increasing awareness of federal and state laws, promoting compliance through education, recognizing supportive employers with an awards program, providing informal mediation services to resolve disputes related to an employee's military service obligation, and aid Guard and Reservists in obtaining career employment opportunities.
John Steele Volunteer Support Technician Contractor PO Box 5218 Austin TX 78763 512-782-5829 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM john.h.steele4.ctr@mail.mil
Ruth Rambaran Volunteer Support Technician Contractor 14657 Sneider Houston TX 77034 Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Texas ESGR on Facebook
Texas ESGR on Twitter
A Proclamation on National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, 2024
WASHINGTON -- Every member of the National Guard and Reserve forms a link in the chain of honor that stretches back far before our Nation’s founding. Throughout the centuries, these extraordinary citizens have committed themselves to a life of service and sacrifice for the United States. During National Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve Week, we show gratitude for the members of our National Guard and Reserve, who protect, defend, and serve our Nation. And we thank their patriotic civilian employers, who go above and beyond to support their mission.
Editor's note: Release from 2022 that may not have reached intended audiences.
WASHINGTON – Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) is pleased to announce the 2022 recipients of the James M. Roche Spirit of Volunteerism Award. The recipients are ESGR volunteers nominated by their respective ESGR State Committee Chairs for their exceptional contributions to ESGR’s mission over a sustained period of time.
Fifteen Exceptional Employers Recognized for Top Honor
WASHINGTON – The Department of Defense is pleased to announce the 15 recipients of the 2024 Secretary of Defense Employer Support Freedom Award--the highest U.S. government honor to employers for support of National Guard and Reserve employees.